Résidentiel Commerces, Industries et Institution Grandes entreprises

Emergency management

An emergency management plan enables the stakeholders to plan for, prevent, manage and mitigate emergency conditions. It addresses such topics as:

  • Policy and commitment
  • Goals and objectives
  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and control mechanisms
  • Liaison with the stakeholders to prepare for an emergency situation
  • Continuing education
  • Training and exercises
  • incident management system

In addition to serving as a guide during an emergency situation, the emergency response plan has other advantages. Developing this plan makes it possible to identify unforeseen risks that could exacerbate the situation and to eliminate them. The planning process can serve to highlight gaps that can be corrected before an emergency situation occurs. Furthermore, an emergency response plan promotes safety awareness among the internal and external stakeholders.

In short, no matter the area of ​​activity, emergency situations are very real and require preparation.

Emergency management plan (PDF)    Emergency management system summary (PDF)    Response Guide in the presence of natural gas (PDF)

Note: Some information has been hidden to protect the identify of certain stakeholders. To obtain the full copy of the plan, please send your request to [email protected] .